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PEHR Technology
PEHR Technologies. Your Choice for Personal Health Records

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The Bartlett, PEHR Technologies

The Bartlett®   

PEHR Technologies
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About PEHR Technologies

Efficient health care requires access to the patient's medical history, which is commonly obtained by the physician interviewing the patient and reviewing his or her previous medical records. During the patient-physician interview, patients commonly omit important medical events in their history and, most detrimentally, have difficulty remembering important and accurate details such as medication names and doses.

When the medical record is not available, this leads to wasted time and unnecessarily repeated laboratory and radiology tests (a major challenge to health-care organizations because this increases cost). In the past, patients have not been able to to transport their complex medical records with them because of cost, bulkiness, and non-transferability of the records (the non-transferability of the medical records has been exacerbated by the recently enacted HIPAA regulations).

With the dawn of new technological advances patients are now able to carry their own medical records with them on a small and convenient USB flash drive that can be read on any PC manufactured since 1999.

In 2003, John W. Robinson, M.D., a family physician, helped develop a system in which electronic health records are transportable and patient centered. Dr. Robinson shared his concept with several of his colleagues. Their enthusiasm and support for this important advancement lead to the formation of PEHR® Technologies.

The company has a patent pending on the new technology, as well as the following trademarks: PEHR® (Personal Electronic Health Records), PEHRlite®, Digital Pear Logo, and the Bartlett® (which is the device name for the current model). We have a highly developed software program that easily fits on even a small memory USB flash drive..
PEHR Technologies, News



2GB USB Flash drive with PEHR personal health record software

$29.95 each
includes S&H

PEHR-Lite® Bartlett
2GB USB flash drive with personal health record software.

$24.95 each
includes S&H

Please place your order by email to: sales@pehrtech.com